We are a Spanish organization with residence in Seville, focused on training and educational development of people of all ages, especially in the areas of youth and sport, entrepreneurship, languages ​​and social inclusion.

Our training plans are based on enhancing the skills of students for their future immersion in the labor market, expanding and updating their knowledge, as well as courses specifically aimed at employed or unemployed workers who want to acquire new skills for their development and projection within the working market.

Coworking Plus was created seven years ago with the goal of creating a real coworking space in Odense, Denmark. Our vision is to have a dynamic space where knowledge sharing, networking and creative frameworks create the foundation for a house that develops together with and for its users.

Coworking Plus is a community where creative facilities, various types of events and a wide network create a synergy that acts as a catalyst for our ambitious entrepreneurs and businesses.

I & F Education is an Irish based organisation working in and from Dublin for the educational development of people of all ages, especially in the areas of entrepreneurship, sport and personal development, youth and schools, language acquisition, inclusion and diversity and rural development. We stress and put the emphasis on lifelong learning as well as adult learning.

The Center for Promoting Lifelong Learning – CPIP – is a non-governmental, non-profit institution active in the educational and social field. It promotes the culture of “lifelong learning” through the active involvement of community members in developing a coherent implementation strategy of the concept and practice of lifelong learning. CPIP develops national and international projects on various social and educational topics, working in multicultural contexts with partners from all-over Europe.

The core competence of die Berater® is adult education and training. We offer holistic consulting, coach employees and managers, and are specialized in soft skills, language and IT seminars. Our portfolio is targeted at individuals, companies of all sizes and industries, as well as the public sector and other stakeholders of the education system. At the center of our activities is the principle of appreciation and the acknowledgement of existent knowledge and experience of the individual person.

CSR Innovative Solutions is a Norwegian and Danish-based organization specializing in Corporate Social Responsibility.
For enterprises, we provide important benefits in terms of risk management, cost savings, access to capital, customer relationships, HR management, sustainability of operations, ability to innovate and eventually generating a profit.
For society, we offer a set of values on which your company can build a more cohesive society and on which we can base the transition of your company to a sustainable economic system.

Innovation Hive is a private non-profit organization located in Greece, specialized in the fields of research and innovation. Our actions aim to enhance the economic and social cohesion of European societies while our goal is to find solutions to the new innovation challenges, achieve growth, sustainability and maximize the impact to the society. The organization’s philosophy in order to achieve these goals is based on co-creation methodologies and a quadruple helix approach.

Aproximar is a non-profit NGO aiming to enhance organizations’ social and human capital as a strategy to build their capacity to take advantage of challenges and opportunities raised by the external conditions. In fulfilling its mission Aproximar organizes and manages personal, social, professional, and organizational paths by means of tailor-made and social innovation projects and good practices transference and dissemination.